Sunday, March 04, 2007

A sunset Sail.


Coy Hill said...

So pretty! Great composition, the sun peaking through at waterline creates some beautiful colors!

Annie said...

Whoa, what a fantastic photo!

photowannabe said...

Sigh, I would sure love to be there. Those billowy clouds create beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

Wow I love the colors in the sky. Nicely done.

Terra Photography said...

Hmmm - this looks familar. hee hee. Beautiful colors and composition. I doubt Ansel Adams would have done anything different - except use B&W film of course...LOL. But I'd like yours better. :o)

Mike Holley said...

I recognise that shot also!! This version has the sun peeping through.

When I'm sat in the dull weather here, these shots make me want to grab my passport and jump on a plane ;)