Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lilies with a busy bee... :) :)


Blue Wave 707 said...

Hey ... Nice shot! Great timing with the bee about to land!

Annie said...

Pretty, pretty. Watch out for the roiling seas, now that that hurricane is about. And did you feel any temblors?

Unknown said...

Nice shots. Like the conversion in the second image.

photowannabe said...

Pretty pastels and a great capture of the bee coming in for a landing.

Chad Oneil Myers said...


photowannabe said...

Hope you survived all the wind and rain. I was happy to hear that Flossie was downgraded.

Michael P. Randazzo said...

What a lovely shot. It isn't easy getting stuff like this.
Sorry for not commenting more, been really busy.

Ele ^_^ said...

Wonderful photo, love the color of the flower!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been taking a lot of bee shots lately too. They sure are busy little critters.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Lovely Lillies.

Nazzareno said...

As to stay indifferent in front of these flower!!!

Terra Photography said...

Very nice nature shot capturing Mr. Bee buzzing around. But when do we get to see the new stuff you took while in San Fran?!?! =) Just teasing ya (kind of).